Thursday, May 17, 2007

I'm Back!!!!!!!!!! With everyone else!!! Oh Yeah!!

My, what can I even say. Well let me first start off by saying that I/we wanted to create a blog so that everyone who receives the individual emails from those whom they know, could come and see what all are writing. My hope is that this blog will be an opportunity for those who have decided to join myself in coming back to Nepal/India/Thailand, could write what is on their hearts and what has touched them in being here. It is my desire that this trip is based upon exposure through service and that through it, we are open to the challenges that being in another country so different from ours, will present to us.
We have been presented with multiple ministry opportunities through Tiny Hands Nepal and their affiliates, to the children and women of Kathmandu. Such opportunities such as creating a activities curriculum for children who are not given much opportunity to expand their creative thinking, thought process or ability to solve problems. Ultimately, without this type of education, their development as children is hampered. However, we have been asked to brain storm, write down, and create a curriculum for the orphaned children that we will be working with in order that those who are here in Kathmandu daily, may better serve their community. We have also been asked to help create and make a garden for a newly built house for women who have been rescued out of the sex industry in Nepal. At this house, there are approximately 10 women who live there. The house was just built by Tiny Hands and there is still a good amount of dirt that needs to be moved and hopefully made into a garden. For those who do play soccer, we are also thinking of doing some futbol training sessions with the kids here. It would be a great way to connect and have fun at the same time. Lastly, a great need for Tiny Hands Nepal is to research and find out about all the Sex Trafficking taking place in Nepal and write a report on it. This is to help the border monitoring stations that have been set up across the border. As far as many can tell, there are at least 10,00 Nepalese women trafficked a year. This does not even include all the inner country trafficking that takes place.
My hope with all of these opportunities is that we will be exposed, while at the same time, not so much coming in and doing our own thing, but helping the already existing organizations that are here permanently. Well, being that this is the first day that we are here, that is it for now. Again, we covet your prayers. Blessings to you all and may we all continue to do what it is that we believe our heart is leading us to do.
Kolt Callaway


Donny Dequine said...

Yo,dudes!! I Just wanted to say Hi to everyone there and let you all know that the US is still here and California is still doing fine! I really think that tounge twisters like "how much wood could a wood chuck chuck if a wood chuch could chuck wood" would really be beneficial for the children of Katmandu!! Check it OUT!!

Ms. Pratt said...

see you soon :)

Katy said...

Hey guys!! Wish I was there with ya, but I'll see ya'll soon!!

Has heather learned any new dance moves yet??

Unknown said...

What a great group over there... i don't know if the small hands of nepal can handle you guys but just remember, always listen to rhoman, he's from india so he know's what he's talking about. I am thankful to be able to support you all with my thoughts and prayers. Have a wonderful day today and remember to not be anxious for anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving make your request known to God and He will give you His peace which surpasses all understanding.

Amy said...

i love hearing what you guys are up to. hang in there and be bold. know that you are covered in prayer!!! be blessed

Joe Schulman said...


Hey these blogs are awesome...very helpful in knowing how to better pray for you guys. You guys are amazing...keep up the great stuff.

Hey, I knew all that gardening would pay off some day. Who knew?

Talk to you soon!

Donny Dequine said...

So sweet!! I am really excited about this blog thing, it gives me a little piece of what is going on over there.

Also, I really think that what Whitney siad was amazing! She found her nitch and is confident in what she can bring to the table!! Thats Great!!

Ro - I read your blog and loved it!! That is pretty crazy about that Rnjut dude. (however, use another font or make it bigger!!, I MUST BE BLIND!!)

Kathy Callaway said...

This blog is great! It helps me have a better understanding of what life is like in Nepal. Each of your perspectives adds a piece to how I can pray for the street kids, the girls in sex trafficing, the orphans, and those ministering to them on a long term basis. I am praying for each of you on the team also. One of my prayers is from Psalm 37 that "He may make the justice of your cause shine like the noonday sun." I know God is using each of you to make us all aware of the children and young women of Nepal!