Friday, June 1, 2007

randoms thoughts from Papa Cheek

Wow.... well my other members of this team have now overwhelmed me because they write such long detailed posts. Sorry readers.. i am not going to give you that. I would like to say maybe a couple quick things before i check you guys up on our trip because if you did not know it well were in India... and it is a furnace... My team is so amazing.. We are like a really close dis functional family. Everyone is really different with unique gifts to bring to our group.. Hahaha.... Saxony is the really mature little sister of the group and she brings so much life and goofiness and joy to us. Saxony works real hard and has a really cool way of loving people. she also is bomb at soccer....Saxony loves people and it shows.... thats a good thing..... Rhoman is the weird sweet uncle who has been their done that because he has been to India the last two summers and is of course Indian himself. Also when he laughs.. there is nothing better in the world. He is a joy to have around. He needs to be around so i do not die or get lost. Rhoman also is wise and mature beyond his years.... With his beard he looks 45 or 50... Hahaha...Then we have Megan.. She is one of the older sisters in the group. She is great. She now has a new boyfriend as of a couple days ago. Good stuff. She is a really kind heart and is really good in like every situation. She is one of the female world travelers in the group. Megan loves to shop for everyone she loves... o and she does... She has been a blessing on this trip for more reasons than one. I'll give you one. She is just a lover. Next we have Whitney.. She is the middle rebel sister for more good reasons than one... Kolt thinks she is the best dressed on the trip which she is. She takes more good photos than a small army. She loves to take naps while other people are talking.. Well only Kolt.... She has been a blessing because she has a sweet way of loving on kids and she is just really open to anything...Now we have Heather.... She is such a joy to be around because she somehow always talks about the coolest deep topics... And she is really smart and well read so i just feel like i learn alot from her.. its a really cool unique quality to have.. I would say she is the other older sister or a sweet crazy aunt. She always sings every song i sing after me and i really like that too..... Heather is a rad young woman..and a deep thinker.. Next we have Kolt... i really do not want to give him alot of credit but i guess he is the dad of the family... He set up this trip and his experiences are some of the main reasons why we are all here.... Plus he is just a guy that has a very cool mature personality like a dad.... Kolt is really smart and is someone anyone can learn alot from.....If you have the skill to get Kolt laughing or get him to be goofy.... again there is nothing better.... he is also really hairy.. Last but not least we have Holly.... She is a small woman that packs a punch... She has a really rare quality of just making me happy and getting them to smile.. She is i guess the mom for reasons that can not be disclosed.. Hahaha... She is super goofy and really caring and is really good with kids... There is this one picture of her with this kid and she is i think maybe too happy... anyways... she has been a blessing to have for sure.... All the girls on this trip are like world travelers and are awesome women of God..And Rhoman and Kolt are both amazing and wise and deep men of God.... They are super legit.... So our team is real good....It has been good.. We are in India now working on day 2. We just had our orientation for the Mother Houses and we are all set up and know where we will be working. We are all really excited to finally get working in India. India is alot different from Nepal...... Nepal was amazing.. but India is now upon us.... We are hopefully going to maybe get involved in a couple more things besides the Mother Houses..... but the houses will be our main service and are intense enough to be the only thing we do... guys i need to go... im sweating writing this so the A/C is calling me..... I am sure the others will write blogs and fill you all in soon

Peace to all
Please pray

1 comment:

Casey said...

I loved reading about each of you!! I only know Rho (well, I've met Kolt a few times and I'm pretty sure I re-introduce myself each time) so it was nice to catch a snapshot of the group. Prayers and virtual hugs!!